In the summer of 1999, Togolese individuals living in Atlanta, Georgia, initiated monthly gatherings with a collective goal that eventually resulted in the establishment of TAG (Togolese Association of Georgia) in January 2000. Motivated by a shared determination to address their socio-economic requirements through a philanthropic organization, these Togolese diaspora, residing far from their homeland, united to create a community that would offer support and a secure haven for their fellow compatriots. TAG is a legally recognized association registered with the state of Georgia.

TAG is a non-profit organization in Georgia, promoting godly living, love, peace, and solidarity among the Togolese community.


Fostering a strong community through events and activities

high-angle photo of Mercedes-Benz building
high-angle photo of Mercedes-Benz building

Providing support and resources for Togolese individuals and families

Promoting cultural exchange and awareness

timelapse photo of hi-way during night
timelapse photo of hi-way during night
a ferris wheel in a city
a ferris wheel in a city
a flag on a pole
a flag on a pole


The Togolese Association of Georgia (T.A.G.) is a non-profit organization located in Atlanta, Georgia, that aims to promote the cultural, social, and economic development of Togolese immigrants in the United States


Stay tuned for exciting events to come!

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